Tuesday, September 17, 2013


The four hours between 3:30 and 7:30 is the slowest, and fastest chunk of my day. I honestly never want to begin teaching, because the kids are exhausting and just full of so much energy. I mean, they have already been at school all day so I really can understand their struggle. But anyways, no matter how frustrating lessons are or how crazy the kids get, I am always in the best mood come 7:30. Obviously a lot of that has to do with being done teaching, but I also just feel so accomplished. I guess it's true that helping others really does make you happy. As far as the kids go, they are really quite hilarious, and so adorable. As I'm getting to know them better, I'm also developing my favorite students. (Since I'm not an actual professional teacher, I don't even feel bad saying that.) My favorite day so far was when we played musical chairs. Class started with a conversation about music. I cannot even explain how much every kid loves Gangnam Style and Lady Gaga. I'm like, what?? I'm always throwing Rihanna's name at them, just to give them a good influence. The rules of our game were, no pushing, no crying, and you must DANCE. Duhhhh! It was hilarious and brilliant. These kids are the epitome of joy. I love it.

BFFs -- My girl Toma

This Saturday we went to the sea! The Baltic Sea of course. Unreal. It was about a 5 hour drive to the coastal city of Palanga. We rented a van and were joined by Dima, our coordinator, and his family. First things first, we went to the pier. It was full of the coolest human beings, and the most ideal view of the sea. We went down to the shore to enjoy the softest of sand and to stick our feet in the cold water. Main street Palanga was full of delicious food and cool shops. We stumbled upon what looked like a Lithuanian Great Gatsby reenactment. For real, the movie soundtrack was playing in front of this huge abandoned house and people outside were dressed up in old costumes. Turns out it was the home of a very wealthy, Lithuanian family, and they were trying to replicate what it was like back in the day. They clearly lived a life of luxury.We strolled through Birute's Park, and then back to the beach of course. It was a lovely day.
Please don't judge my video editing. Just some clips of my day thrown together, so that a little bit of what I experienced can be felt by all.

On Sunday I turned 21. I still feel like I'm lying when I say that, because I feel like I'm 19. (and I look 16) The plan was to just treat it as any other day, but the other teachers got me a cake and the best chocolate. So before church I enjoyed cake for breakfast! Then at church we made our first real life Lithuanian friends. We even have tentative plans to hang out! Church was also just so great. Not because anything life changing was said, it just really made a difference in my day/mood/etc. After church I came home to balloons, and a lil present from my sweet host family. I realized my host mom figured out it was my birthday a few weeks ago when she was trying to figure out what my sign was. She's big into horoscopes and such. Anyways, they took me to Old Town, to a food festival, to an awesome park, and to wander the city. (Wandering is one of my favorite pastimes.) I couldn't help but play on the toys with my Lithuanian sisters. My host parents made the comment that even though I'm a year older, I still am a child on the inside. That was actually a very comforting thought. We went and watched the a basketball game and ate ice cream at an outdoor cafe, and then came home to a delicious dinner and cake! My Lithuanian family spoiled me for sure. It was honestly the perfect 21st Birthday. I'm so blessed.

I am always cold here. And it's getting colder so that means more and more spiders are moving in. On Sunday I learned that not only do I have spiders for roommates...but apparently there are rats too. NOT OK. The little cat was so kind to kill this rat for me on my bday. Even the host mom was freaked out by it. She was like, "it's a rat, usually they are small mice." NASTY.

Lithuanian is quickly becoming home. I am already stressed about having to say goodbye to this beautiful country and the incredible people in it. But I am trying not to think about that and to just enjoy every bit of it. Including my new favorite drank.

Nectar of the Gods

 I live with Spider man

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