Sunday, October 13, 2013

puppy love

First things first, meet my new best friend.
Real time. He's sitting with me now as I write this blog post.
We got a dog! Meet Pinkis. Also known as, pinky. (Sometimes we just get stuck with awful names I guess) This Wednesday I found out my host family was taking in a dog for a couple of months, and I just knew my life was changed forever. Pinky is such a chill dog, with the cutest ears and most hilarious teeth. We're already the best of friends, so really now how am I ever supposed to leave Lithuania?

the two cutest things you'll ever see

It was a slower week than usual which was a nice little break from all the adventuring. The weather was also pretty nice, a solid 55 sometimes close to 60 F. I spent one afternoon reading a book by this beautiful lake behind our apartment. I just have to recommend this book to everyone real quick. It's called Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close, by Jonathan Safran Foer. I have already read all of the books that I brought out here, but one of the previous teachers left it here so I thought I'd give it a look. Seriously, haven't been able to put it down. There's a movie too that I have yet to watch, but the book is written so beautifully and has some rad thought. Check it out. Anyways, this lake is full of swans and lily pads and it is also the lake that I run around every morning with my host sister, host dad, and the newest runner, Pinky! Beautiful for real.

Teaching's been alright. Some kids drive me crazy, but they also make me laugh a lot. They love listening to music on my phone, and every time we do an activity involving food. so I guess you could say we all relate quite easily.
Yes, that IS a mop on her head
Helping me with lesson plans

This weekend we went to The Republic of Uzupis with our Lithuanian friend Luiza. Uzupis is a tiny Republic within Vilnius. It is the coolest little artsy, bohemian, area with sculptures and street art all around, complete with it's very own constitution. The constitution says things like, "Everyone has the right to love and take care of a cat." "Everyone has the right to realize his negligibility and magnificence." "Everyone has the right to cry." "Everyone has the right to understand." "Everyone has the right to understand nothing." (If you want to read the whole thing click here ) It's just all too great. We also climbed Gediminas tower, which is the last remaining part of the upper tower in Vilnius. It is basically the trademark of Vilnius, and at the top you can see all of Old Town on one side, and all of New Town on the other. So pretty, especially with the all of the changing trees.
My future home
Fall is pretty pretty
I live here.
So all is well in good old Lith. I'll leave you with the most prime picture of Pinkis' face, which also just about sums up how I constantly feel about my European life.

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